Graad R:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 13:00
Graad 1:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 13:15
Graad 2:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 13:15
Graad 3:
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 – 14:00
Friday: 08:00 – 13:00
Graad 4 – 7:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 14:15
Please contact the school for more information.
Introduction of an online function to assist parents with tracking applications for admission to public schools.
The function will allow a parent or guardian to check via the WCED’s website if an application submitted to the school has been captured on the SAMI system. As soon as an application has been captured by die school,an automated email will inform parents that the application has been captured by the school, provided that the parent has supplied a valid email address. Parents will only be able to check using the learner’s ID or unique CEMIS number. To use the function, go to and click on “School Enrolment FAQ’s”. Then click on “How can I check the status of my child’s admission application?”. Enter learner’S ID or CEMIS number and click” submit”
Bekendstelling van `n aanlyn-funksie om ouers te help met die naspoor van aansoeke om toelating by openbare skole.
Met hierdie funksie kan `n ouer of voog via die WKOD se webwerf vasstel of `n aansoek wat by die skool ingedien is, op die School Admissions Management Information (SAMI-) stelsel vasgelê is. Indien `n geldige e-posadres verskaf is, sal `n geoutomatiseerde e-pos die ouers in kennis stel sodra die aansoek deur die skool vasgelê is. Ouers sal net met behulp van die leerders se ID- of unieke SOBIS-nommer kan vasstel of hulle aansoek vasgelê is. Die funksie kan gebruik word deur te gaan na en op “School enrolment FAQ’s” te klik. Kilk dan op “How can I check the status of my child’s admission application?”. Tik dan leerder se ID no en “submit”
Please make sure that your child’s school clothes are clearly marked. Lost articles are kept in the clothing bank. Unclaimed lost articles eventually become part of the clothing bank’s stock. If you have school clothes that you do not use anymore, it would be much appreciated if you could donate them to the school. Limited stock is available.
Mrs Pieters (Head of the Aftercare) is in charge of the clothing bank and she is available on the following dates and times :
Whole day : Two days before the new school year
Whole day : March, June and September holidays from 09:00 – 15:00
12:00 – 12:45 : On Monday
16:00 – 17:00 : On Fridays
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